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Simon actually said nothing of the sort. He raised the question rhetorically, but answered by arguing that it was in fact newspaper ownership that shortchanged the journalism itself in the years prior to the arrival of the internet. If Ms. Libby was responding to any argument otherwise, she had erected her own straw man.


I didn't read Simon's article, but I liked Sara's piece (I can call her Sara because she's my niece). She said, "my career depends on people staying interested in the news." I fear, however, that interest in the news does not translate into analysis. For example, any big time newspaper editor who starts talking about American imperialism (which is blatant these days) is not going to keep his job very long. Whether it's sports, politics, or violence, people largely read the news for entertainment -- and that's the way the power elites want it.


Hey "Anothertake" -- if you want to criticize my writing (and by all means do, perhaps you should try, and not my brother's personal Web log.


I just read Sara's piece on college financial aid, and it was right on the money (so to speak). I especially enjoyed how she took her newly acquired political capital at USC, and laid in on the line. It was a gutsy move that could have backfired, but it worked. Nice. I also want to say that I'm impressed with the quality of her writing -- her articles are well crafted, which is nice to see at a time when so much journalistic writing is just plain sloppy.

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