Is it just not as common a knowledge as I think it is that those who prefer to drive slower have a responsibility to stay out of the left lane on the freeway? I'll be the first to admit that I drive too aggressively. That said, though, pretty much every time I ever get behind the wheel of a car, I get furious at somebody who is just lumbering along at 55 or between 55 and 60 in the left lane and are seemingly oblivious to the line of cars stuck behind them, begging and pleading for them to move into another lane and swearing profusely (as is my custom) when they don't. How can you grow up in this society and just never come to understand this basic tenet of the road? If it weren't so infintile of me to get this upset about a handful of seconds lost on a drive, I'd seriously want to strangle these people. I've never actually experienced road rage--if you measure it by acting in a visibly threatening way to another driver. But I've definitely 'pitied the fool', as that mohawked philosopher known by the simple moniker of T would say.