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I would guess that his motivating factor now is fear, and in his mind, he supports the Bush administration because it's taking measures to allay that fear. Remember how it felt in those first post-9/11 days, where it seemed like everything was a threat and anything could happen? It seems like he's still in that mode.

It's also very strange when someone whose entire public persona has been based on irony and sarcasm suddenly goes 100% sincere on you. I mean, I'm all for sincerity recovering a little ground from irony, but it's hard to trust such a huge transformation.


I've never cared what Dennis Miller thinks. When he was on Saturday Night Live, he was an entertainer whose talent was being ironic and sarcastic, although I always thought he was trying a little too hard to be cute. If he's given up irony and sarcasm, then he's just another guy with an opinion, who now happens to be a celebrity. Who cares? I wouldn't read any depth into it. He's been making a good living and he knows who butters his bread.

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