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My favorite part was imagining Benicio del Toro living on Ross Island forging weapons and building enormous Ewok-style lumber traps in the course of an hour or so. Has anyone who isn't actually from Portland ever made a decent film set in Portland?


"Ewok-style lumber traps"! Exactly. Irene, you're so funny. Benicio was kind of like a grunting, hairy Ewok himself, although it's not like the movie had any real scenes for the stars to actually act in. It reminded me of my friend Neil's assessment of "The Last of the Mohicans." He said it was good, but it should really have been called "Daniel Day-Lewis Running and Jumping and Carrying Things".


...and What His Hair Looks Like When Tossed Whilst Doing These Things" Did you know that the name of Day-Lewis's character was "Natty Bumpo"?

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