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Henry Kunowski

Thank You Brian for a fantastic article with both good and troubling insights. The comment by both Laila Seewang and Mark Raggett: reveal an interpretation of public spaces and realms beyond the current visceral and experiential to the virtual:
This week, we actually are talking about technology and data in cities and sort of the retreat to the virtual. What happens to public space if the next generation really finds the public realm in virtual space like this? Communication technology, I think, it is its own infrastructure.

I asked Mark Raggett, who used to run the Urban Design Studio for the City of Portland [now an associate principal at GBD Architects], ‘What do you think is the one of the biggest issues in urban design in Portland right now? And what would you like to have a conversation about?’ He said, ‘I think it's technology. Any changes we put into the city these days, we're basically designing the city for like 20-year-olds. For example, we love our public spaces. We love our plazas and parks. But to what degree is that going to be relevant for the next generation, and to what degree is the public realm inside technology? So then I said, ‘Okay, that's a conversation.’

So, with the 200-year anniversary of Fredrick Law Olmstead here now, what would he say to this framing of the public spaces realm?

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