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Wow this building is trash. $200 million dollar price tag for the Reno?

Are you kidding me! It would be better to level it and start over. Jesus

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R. Patrick Trickler

Looks the same


This is not really a restoration. It is a rehabilitation. (US Secretary of Interior Stds.) As such, it has problems. The architects need to pay attention to the Landmark Commission and get approval.

Mike Campbell

I'm excited by it all, until I see the price tag. Then I agree - sell the building, with provisions for its preservation -- and let it become a private sector headache. There are better uses of public funds.
Isn't that what the Republican party always seeks, private sector solutions? Seems like this would be a perfect test case. I hate to see 200 million spent here, while Memorial Coliseum gets shabbier every year. One building costing every Portland taxpayer nearly $500? that's absurd.
Note that Key Arena in Seattle, another modernist landmark, is set to be preserved and renovated with primarily private funding, alongside tax credits.

Jay Raskin, FAIA

It looks like a very reasonable solution for a building that has had serious technical issues. I think the fact that Graves office support these changes should be a factor in the historic preservation discussion. It also points out to the another problem, which was the rush to get this building registered before the standard 50 year period had passed in the first place. Waiting would have made the discussion moot. In the end we get a building that performs better, has better seismic performance, is closer to the original design intention, and one that is more pleasant to be in.

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