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Great roundup.

I think the Hotel Eastlund is brilliant. The old Red Lion was clearly near the end of its life, and it's not hard to imagine a scenario where it was demolished and replaced with a completely new building. So kudos to the developer and Holst architecture for doing a (major) refurbishment and retaining the embodied energy of the structure. As well as being a significant visual improvement, the design team did a great job of taking a very auto-oriented building and making it much more pedestrian friendly. I hope they find a good tenant for the little retail space at MLK and Holladay, which will really complete the project.

Jeff Belluschi

Great end of 2015 post Brian. Yes, we as a city are entering the major league. Nothing can reign that in but we can construct to our ethos and NW aesthetics.

2016 is a great time to live in the Rose City.

Best to all!

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