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John Cooper

Thanks for an informative interview. As it goes up, I've wondered about this project.

"...a host of memorial designs"...spell-check error? (Should be "memorable," I think.)


How are people going to live right above a railroad track that wakes me up all the way up on 25th? It seems like none of the people building residential in the lower east side have considered the fact that there trains blow their horns at all hours.

Same problem different location

A la the Pearl eh Anthony?


Great design and development! I'm in Rome, where the architecture is classic, and it's almost impossible to find beautiful towers. Fortunately I can travel with the imagination thanks to your useful blog. If I get the chance I'll come definitely in Oregon to see these beauties in person. Thanks and keep it up. Anyone who wants to contact me is welcome.


I'm just not convinced on this building as it has gone up. The tower is far too opaque on the lower levels, and in my mind presents a very dead face to the pedestrian realm on the bridge. I also would hate to occupy one of those units, with limited views to the City skyline beyond. I think they could have accomplished what they were after conceptually without sacrificing unit views on the bottom third of the building.

David Dysert

Mr Kovel rightly recognizes this is a building of significance not just in its certain transformation of the central Eastside, but in the prominence it will occupy within the entire central city. Indeed this is not a building which respects its context past or present but rather shouts out in massing and materials. Buildings need not always be contextual and respect the surrounding fabric but when they do not we should expect exceptional design and execution resulting in an urban contribution with endurance. Pay a visit and look closely at the skin of this building and ask yourself what 10 or 20 years will do. Observe the alarming lack of glazing in the lower floors and one realizes the "shatter" concept is placed above the needs of light and transparency for those within and outside the building. One wonders how a large very dark thin skinned building will age. Certainly Skylab has built a solid repertoire of compelling small dark buildings. But perhaps there come opportunities for designers to look beyond the consistency of one's portfolio and aim higher.


stupid place for a building. i'll miss the flat expansive view over the bridge when heading south on MLK. but yuppies need to live somewhere i guess. i'd rather they stick that big dumb public art piece back there and put the building somewhere else


Yep, anyone who works earn a living is a yuppie. Great content Jebus.

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