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Fred Leeson

Adaptive re-use is the key to the future of architectural preservation. This is a wonderful example. Venerable Properties is to be congratulated; most developers would have looked at the wide halls and carved them up for "marketable" square footage. I spent a little time wandering around in WHS recently and thought the architects/renovators had done a magnificent job, inside and out.


Agreed Fred. One of the character defining features is indeed those wide halls. And preservation work / adaptive reuse is most successful when buildings retain those important character features throughout. The new spaces then can create a wonderful drama tension with the old. Great work SERA!

Doug Klotz

The Community Center, a planned new building, is now slated for the rest of the land around the building, space that was the athletic fields. That parcel is owned, I believe, by Portland Parks and Rec. The High School building itself was carved out from the block and sold separately.


Doug....Was the idea of looking at the property as an example of 20th century American High School cultural landscape typology considered?


I heard from neighbors who feel quite slammed by this development, concerned about parking impacts from the event space and offices - another thing that will attract more traffic and impact the livability of their neighborhood, along with the other developments taking place in the area. I would like to have thought that bringing new life to this old building would be a win-win, but apparently not for everyone....

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