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I hope I'm wrong but I go by that site all the time. Unless the ramps are removed, I'm having a hard time seeing this work. There is a healthy daytime population in the area that could help. But there is little to no residential in the nearby area offering that built-in traffic that's so important to food stores. This city has such an amazing network of farmer's markets and local grocers like New Seasons, that this market has to be so head and shoulders above these guys for it to work. That's a tough order when combined with a challenging site. Hopefully they can pull it off. I'm also hopefully that there will not be any public subsidy. That would be so unfair to other grocers and farmer's markets.


This is, as Dave points out, not a place where people live. Folks buy food near their homes, not near their work. This will be a failure in this location.

There are many thousands of people living in the Pearl, and a number of new residential buildings going up from the North Pearl up to the Conway properties.
This is where the Market should be.

Sell the whole bridgehead to MM for his office development and use the dough to buy land in the Conway lots for the Market.


Just personal anecdotes here but I shop near my work a lot. When I worked in downtown Seattle, I shopped at Pike's Place all the time because it was a wonderful experience.

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