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Brian: the Pearl has loads of low income housing (The Sitka, the Yards, the Ramona, Pearl Court, Lovejoy station...) and more is under development. The median income for the Pearl is actually lower than the City as a whole. Granted, these buildings are not homeless shelters, but the (widely held) perception that the Pearl is exclusively an upper class playground is completely wrong.

Otherwise - great article!


It's interesting that this appears to be much less successful than the Granville St closures in Vancouver. Relative density, perhaps? The greater metro areas are about the same (2.1 million vs 2.3) and the demographics who show up are about the same: fratty suburban folks seem like the majority.

Here's a recent article on improving Granville:

David Dysert

I agree a purposeful designed "zone" would be preferable to temporary barricades. But the city has no intention of shutting down these streets permanently. They want to temper the negative effects of the late night activity.
The emphasis on design while important is largely not the issue in this part of town. Yes we need more economically diverse housing--of course! But it's not an accident it's not there. This area is an intense concentration of social services and late night partying. And while the social services are very important they need to be dispersed over a greater geography for this area to be developed to its full potential. It is the uses not the design that will determine the future of this area. Instead of the city spending millions on Burnside/Couch or other infrastructure design, we should spend money on economic assistance for business to locate here and social services to relocate to underserved areas of the city. The "entertainment zone" is located here precisely because of the vacuum of development. It is not the problem (beyond the public safety issues). Spending money on a designed entertainment zone is putting the cart before the horse. We need to get the mix of uses right first. If we do, we are likely to find the "entertainment" has left the area for a more accommodating part of town.

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