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After talking with numerous people about this installation both online and with real life colleagues, we have come to a consensus.

This installation is a weird, ugly piece of shit, and the money would have been way better spent on public transit.

Randy Michael

I have talked with numerous friends and artists and we have all agreed that this sculpture completely misses the mark.

A complete waste of $700k.

It does not complement anything, in any way.

There could have been an international competition for this significant installation,
but as usual, the powers that be, who are the decision makers, or the "committee process" has no taste, as evidenced here.

Brian Libby

D and Randy,

Taste is a subjective thing, and I appreciate both of you sharing your opinions here.

I happen to like the piece. The idea of creating in sculpture the traces of an old warehouse on the site is to me an interesting and compelling fusion of art and history. It's celebrating Portland's Central Eastside industry and tradition. I'm not saying you have to agree with this. But I reject any kind of indignation and supposed community consensus that this is a waste or that it was the result of some kind of uninclusive backroom conniving. The public art submission process here is very transparent, and Lead Pencil Studio is a very highly respected art/design firm. The fact that they've created an artwork of such a large scale means that the piece is going to stand out and, as a result, have its detractors. That's fine!

Honestly, I strongly dislike LOTS of public art, so I can sympathize with your coming out against "Inversion." Just don't try and make this a case of the big bad elitist government picking art that the community universally hates. Because that's an exaggeration bigger than this artwork.

And if you want to argue that public art shouldn't be part of new transit lines, or that the city shouldn't have a "1% for Art" program, I can't even dignify that with a response.

Carter Kennedy

After looking at it for a few months now, I have to agree that it misses the mark, but but it is not a total loss. The designers could have created a ghostly, recognizable building by outlining the corners and roofline and suggesting some windows. The ghostliness is lost when the eye tries to decode the jumble of small steel parts. They distract from the outline without suggesting any particular shape.

Nonetheless, the outline of an old-time industrial building is discernible and the viewer can figure out what the designer was trying to do.

I can't help but wonder how many birds will nest in it.

Peter Davis

Instead of "celebrating the Central Eastside's industry and tradition", this piece is better a metaphor for the City of Portland's budget: forced upon us without any real public process, rusting in place, full of holes, so ugly that nobody wants to look at it but so big you can't miss it, and a waste of opportunity to create something truly emblematic for future generations.

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