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Great overview on architecture in Portland in 2012, just a slight correction, Vestas is a Danish wind turbine maker, not Dutch...keep up the great blog =)

Peter Winch

Terrific post, Brian - thanks. I'm curious to hear more of what you think about the central eastside. You're celebrating its current incarnation as a small-scale industrial/creative biz district, but you're also positive about redevelopment along MLK and Grand, along the waterfront south of OMSI, and potentially along the riverfront if the Eastbank Freeway configuration is changed. How would these changes interact with the industrial district?

To my mind, the Marquam Bridge and the elevated freeway ramps between the Eastbank freeway and the Morrison Bridge hold back development on the east side, but perhaps just as importantly, diminish the quality of the downtown waterfront. I think we'd see development on both edges, much to the improvement of the central city. I'd love to see the waterfront transformed, and the central eastside district between Water and MLK stay more or less as it is, in physical terms.

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