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It's hard to have faith in the public sector when the City Council has pretty much buried well-reasoned zoning and design guidelines for more than 2 years running. All because a few property owners insist on grossly out of scale heights in a National Historic Landmark District. This isn't just some rundown part of the city - this is where our city began. We should celebrate that and reinvigorate the area with that in mind.

Eye Eyeball

First line of defense: Property Owners cannot waive historic resource designation. Just because someone owns the Land does not mean they own the Landscape. Landscape is a collective-community own resource.

Tanya March

Sheldon's effort is going to make next Tuesday's HPLO site selection announcement even more interesting. I submitted the Jantzen Beach Carousel for consideration to the list-. Last year as I recall there were no Portland submissions to HPLO's most endangered places list. Is this the first time HPLO has received a nomination for an entire district?

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