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As the former chief administrator of this process and Commission, I disagree with the Landmarks Commission's determination on their purview regarding this interior. The Portland Zoning Code does not require the interior to have a local landmark status or to be specifically/independently designated. It simply states the following is subject to review: "Alteration of an interior space when that interior space is designated as a Historic Landmark."

There are few National Register landmark nominations that speak so specifically about the intrinsic relationship of the Coliseum's transparency and the connection between the bowl and the exterior of the landmark. It is this document that defines those elements intended to be protected by the designation. This is a unique circumstance, and I believe the Commission could, and should, have extend its authority accordingly.

There's still an opportunity for those concerned about this matter to push on that point, and work to ensure the future improvements visible through the skin be subject to review. I'm hopeful they'll do so, in order to ensure the integrity of this essential aspect of the Coliseum is appropriately protected. Regardless, there will be State Historic Preservation Office and National Parks Service purview over those changes, which provides additional procedural avenues through which protective concerns can be raised and addressed.

Jeff Joslin

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