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I consider this hugely precedental.

I recall wandering Chicago with a former Planning Director, opining on the multi-generational problem we'd created with the construction of these inherently volumetrically inefficient (high skin-to-volume ratio) glazed structures, depleting available energy to compensate for these hugely consumptive objects/facades. He asked if I was opposed to high rise. I stated they were not my first choice, but that they would not linger far into the future of increasing resource scarcity. I suggested that they'd either become economically un-occupiable, or receive dramatically advanced new shells within our generation.

He looked at me like I was out of my mind. But I still stick to those guns, and consider this a bellwether project. I'm hopeful that post-re-occupancy energy analysis will result, prompting the furthering of such re-tooling in cities across the globe - particularly those with less temperate climates - in the future.

I do share some of the earlier-expressed concerns about the deployment of high-embodied-energy aluminum as the tempering armature, but take comfort in: the design quality, life-cycle costing - and recyclability of that material choice.

Jeff Joslin

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