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Brian: This was my list, which I had submitted to AIA Oregon's survey: 1) Mt. Angel Library; 2) Gordon House; 3) Timberline Lodge; 4) Gerlinger Hall, UO by Ellis Lawrence; 5) Equitable Building; 6) Christ the Teacher Chapel, University of Portland by Pietro Belluschi; 7) Watzek House; 8) Pioneer Courthouse Square; 9) bSIDE6, by Works Partnership; and 10) Wayne L. Morse Federal Courthouse, Eugene by Morphosis.

It was fun to see the results of the survey in Oregon Architect. Six of my picks made the top ten, so I share many of the same favorites as my fellow AIA Oregon architects.

Like you, I'm eager to see the full list of the 100 favorite buildings on the AIA Oregon website.

In what order would you have ranked your favorites?

I blogged about the survey and my list at http://sworegonarchitect.blogspot.com/2011/06/what-are-your-favorite-buildings-in.html

I also wrote a post about Timberline after recently staying there: http://sworegonarchitect.blogspot.com/2011/09/timberline-lodge.html

Randy Nishimura, AIA


We need a study comparing the cost of Timberline Lodge to the economic return in both direct and indirect ways. Not only is Timberline the center of a fantastic state park and successful recreational area, it is also one of the most important symbols of Oregon. Why isn’t it used as an example of what the government has done and should be doing?
The fact this valuable lodge was created in an effort the train poor homeless people skills to transform their lives, makes Timberline’s contribution that much more inspiring. I feel Timberline Lodge should be held high as an example of what can be done by a visionary government, leveraging the hopes of underprivileged Americans and even recycled materials, to connect citizens to their natural environment, healthy recreation while celebrating and reinforcing the rustic historical image of Oregon.
My dream would be for the Federal Government to create a new National Park from the peak of Mt. Hood to the Columbia River with the theme of the balance between wilderness preserves, recreation and green energy, such as dams, wind, thermal and solar. I am pretty sure there are no National Parks that address this theme and it seems they could address this balance between Man and Nature better than anyone. As well, this area contains or could contain all the forms of green energy I mentioned.

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