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I took offense to the editorial describing the LAB design a "Disneyland recreation" when I first read it in the Oregonian. That's simply a ridiculous comment. The design was a thoughtful and interesting reuse of the Mill buildings. Being a Pearl resident living close to C-Mills, I attended the public gatherings leading to LAB winning the competition. The rooms were always packed and the community was ready to support their idea - and still are in spite of the economy. Of the designs presented, the LAB design was the obvious choice to truly create a uniquely Portland place - slightly quirky, not overdone and not billowing neon and the usual suspects of national chain businesses. Great projects often appear impossible, and usually take brave leadership to make them reality. I fear we just threw the baby out with the bath water.


There is a lot of surface parking lots and empty lots down there. Why not hold on to Centennial Mills until the neighborhood fills out? Let the development of the neighborhood spur the development of Centennial Mills rather than the other way around.

Also, why put a horse paddock right on the river? I'm sure the horses enjoy the view, but it seems like a prime location.

Fred Leeson

The horse paddock presents an interesting issue. The primary function of the horse patrol is for crowd control downtown. As a result, the horses have to be somewhere close to the central core. There are FEW locations to choose from. The larger question is, do we need a horse patrol? Perhaps not, but the public loves the horses. I think the Police Bureau would not willingly give it up.

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