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This is a handsome project.
I have pointed the building out to friends and they are usually very surprised that this is a facility that will support homeless folks.
Great job to the design team.
My hope is that this facility along with the medical building a few blocks away will help give some relief to the desperate people around town.
It is too bad that we can't help people before they get to the state that I see all too often around downtown. Places like this will possibly give them some hope of a better life.
The lack of affordable housing, medical and mental health insurance and education is absurd in this country. Nobody should have to suffer like this. Homelessness is often equated with laziness, which is a fallacy.
Ok, that is the sad part, but I do appreciate this project for it's compassionate and hopeful reality.

Fred Leeson

I agree, it is an interesting building. It strikes me as having a split personality with the buff brick and the black brick. I'd feel better if the "split" had something do do with the internal functions. Maybe it does....I don't know.

There are some interesting visual gymnastics involving the windows on the upper floors. Although the fenestration is actually very consistent, the designers used art glass surrounding the transparent panes in differing sequences....which from a distance makes the fenestration look irregular. Almost as if you were wobbling down the street having had too much to drink. (But we don't need to go there.)

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