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Double J

Not certain the political will to build is there without improving car traffic. At this point I can't see them adding any top notch designer to this project as they are sooo concerned about delays and at no point in this process have they shown any interest in better design. I mentioed Cloepfil because being a home town boy he might just take the job... Foster and Piano (who wont be asked) are simply in demand too much to deal with such a backwards project.

I should have bent Kitz ear a little years ago when I first realized he was going to run again (we were both at the Fehrenbacher coffee haus in Goose Hollow). Probably would not have helped though.

The project has been blind to needs and therefore blind to design... it needs to be scrapped and considering all of the waste the seeds of it's undoing are already out there and growing.

Maybe Kitschaber will surprise us all and get a designer with the skills to save this (if so Im for it) but I am not holding my breath.


I agree with much of your article and support its goal of stopping this bridge design from further development and construction. However, in focusing so much attention on the bridge—which everyone renders as the bridge between Hayden Island and Vancouver—we fail to address the underlying problem of the CRC and its process to date.
As Crandall and many others have pointed out this project should consider its regional context and all of the systems of transportation. It's no surprise that putting the highway people in charge of the project, we've ended up with a massive highway project instead of a project that meets more of our regional and local transportation needs. Trying to make this massive highway span more beautiful when viewed from afar is futile. Making it beautiful to those who travel it on foot, bike, light-rail, or car is impossible.
I do hope that we can stop this project and start over with a different team leading the project with a more intelligent approach to our regional transportation needs.

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