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I don't know whether to be incredulous that you made reference to a cartoon fish as a reason to be afraid of nuclear power, or relieved that you admit how much of your opposition is irrational.

The initial explosion at Chernobyl killed two people. The elevated levels of radiation during cleanup killed 28. The radioactive cesium released by the explosion led to about 1800 additional cases of thyroid cancer.

This is not nothing, but it's a lot closer to nothing than it is to "millions."


I wonder if Oregon could get a loan guarantee from the Feds to finance exploration of possible geothermal sources. I know geothermal is not perfect, but it has the potential of being much cleaner than nuclear.

Energy efficiency is an area in which architects have made a good contribution to solving our energy problem, but I think a lot more can be done particularly with existing housing and building.

Fred Leeson

Oregon does not receive the "overwhelming majority" of its power from Bonneville Dam. That's because the Portland region opted out of public power in the 1930s....unlike much of Washington state. Our private utilities, PP&L and PGE, get most of their power from coal-fired plants. "Public power" was a huge fight at the time Bonneville was being built, but in the most heavily-populated region of Oregon, the private utilities won out.


I particularly appreciate the comments from Public Citizen. The reason nuclear has gained traction in recent years is because the climate change has been portrayed and understood as solving for only one variable: carbon. Nuclear is - plain and simple - the most inefficient means of power generation ever devised. Enormous quantities of waste heat are produced and released (thus the cooling towers and ocean-fed heat exchangers to return heat to what the industry used to refer to as "the ultimate heat sink", the ocean.

Additionally, the nuclear industry would never have bloomed here were it not for liability limitations created by Congress of $250 milllion via the Price Anderson Act, which looked like lot of money in its day but remains the maximum. It's like requiring car liability insurance equal to a tenth the value of the car itself.

Finally: there is no storage plan. Yucca Mountain is a $10 billion failed science experiment which has been shut down for it's political, geologic, and hydrologic inefficacy.

Japan is a tragedy, but I can't help but be slightly grateful for the scale of catastrophe necessary to rec=alibrate the national nuclear discussion and trajectory.

Jeff Joslin

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