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I have to say, I never bought into the fractal idea behind the facade design of the 937 -- it seemed too superficial. For instance, one would not expect red balconies stacked in a fractal layout, and the repetition of detail scaled up and down never seemed to work quite right. To wit: new military camouflage uniforms. But the retail ground floor has a very nice scale with the deep inset glazing, despite being right up to the edge of the sidewalk.

And I really hate the floor plans of Atwater Place. I keep looking at them, and apparently opulence equates to wasted space. But I really dig the exterior glass and the overall look of the facade.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the Metropolitan is 10 stories too short. It feels like a fat boy sitting on a curb...a very classy fat boy, that is. His name is Günther, I think.


As a part of your series of posts about the just-completed decade, I hope you cover the aspects of Portland’s architecture that have been neglected over the last decade (or two), like Portland public schools, and the idea that people want a safe neighborhood elementary school to which their children can walk or bike. Or that overcoming extreme disparities in school facilities is and always has been the City of Portland’s business.

South Waterfront neighborhood symbolizes Portland’s pandering to developers at the expense of maintaining the neighborhood livability that has made Portland famous.

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