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If you would like more informaiton or pictures for the Gustav Freiwald House (at 1810 NE 15th Ave.) in Irvington, we will be glad to provide it. Please contact us through www.lionrsoe.com . Thanks. Steve Unger

bob zaikoski

Although not in Portland, the Wentz cottage at Neahkahnie (Doyle is credited with the design but perhaps Harry Wentz had significant input in the final look and details?) should certainly at least come up in the conversation. Both Yeon and Belluschi (considered by many to be among the founding fathers of the northwest regional [style]/[movement]/[interpretation of modernism]) acknowledged the significant impact the cottage had on them in their early years.

Perhaps the fact that it is not in Portland could be nuanced by the fact that Neahkahnie hosted a small collection of cottages for some Portland notables: Mary Franes Isom (original central library), Harry Wentz (portland art museum), Anna Belle Crocker (portland art museum) and A.E. Doyle himself.

Brian Libby

Bob, thanks so much for the suggestion. Actually a couple of other people have suggested this particular Doyle house. But I'm afraid the list is restricted to houses in the Portland area.

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