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Wow! Great work! Sounds like a great collaborative Team. Kaven and RPD knocked it out of the park.


I don't know that it is the lack of windows (as Brian suggests) on the ground level that leaves a bad taste in mouth, but rather the lack of a front porch or similar programmed area. Like in a suburban "snout house", the absense of a people space facing the street and sidewalk is what I feel makes this building appear to stiff-arm the surrounding neighborhood.

Das P

Great Project! When "ego" refers to RPD, that is Rainier Pacific Development and they are top notch collaborative builders from what I see and my experience.


That Trevor William Lewis is quite a talented young man. Good work!

Fred Leeson

No question, there is a skillful and tasteful sense of proportion and design here. My concern is how well white masonry stands up over time in our climate. I hope it does well, but it's going to look a lot less beautiful with water marks, streaks and/or moss. We'll see!

Bryan D.

@GC - architecture can only invite so much, then you have to look to the owner for the real program. A (as you say) stiff-arm from the architecture can easily be broken down with a soft smile, an easy laugh, and an enthusiastic invitation to come see the wonders within.

How do I know this? Because I have invited literally hundeds of passers-by who never seem to tire of looking at the home (most of them complete strangers) into Interchange to see my new space and to share in my vision of urban courtyard living. On the flip side, I run/walk nearly everyday in my new neighborhood and have not (beyond people I know) had the same gracious reciprocity.

So I think your notion of 'who is wearing the snout' is a well-crafted idea. But it should be applied democratically, not only to the new kid on the block.

Incidentally, if you are ever in the neighborhood feel free to come knock on my door. I think you might just find the architecture as inviting as the homeowner. And I have lots of things to wash away that unfortunate bad taste in your mouth.



Well said Bryan D., and very gracious. Best wishes in your new home and your "new life", as Brian puts it.


This is a great project. If I could commission my own house, I would love it to look like this. Personally, I think having a little privacy on the ground level of your home is perfectly reasonable. Nobody owes the neighborhood a view into their personal living quarters. Plus, from my view there are still huge windows facing the street from the second floor.

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