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I have to say this design looks terrifying.


I'm not sure what I find more troubling: the crazy arrows, the bad sketchup, or the schizophrenic design.

Brian Libby

Keep in mind these are renderings. I know a lot of architects who often feel their renderings don't adequately communicate what the finished product will be.

Bob Loblaw

I believe the renderings communicate the finished product quite well, which in this case is awful.

Brian Libby

I've removed the images of the building with all the arrows, just in case somebody reads this comment thread and wonders what we're talking about.

Also, I've added the names of two collaborators Gary asked me to mention initially but I forgot: Steve Shapiro of Shapiro Didway Landscape Architecture and Ken Diener of KJD Architecture.


Not to keep the discussion on the images (but I will) - a little post-production does a world of good to something as flat/garish as native sketchup, even with little time/fee.

This is interesting though, because I'd almost guarantee that Murase and WM had more sophisticated presentations, yet these images still got the job done to those who made the decision. It's funny how much flak that a lot of designers give SU (myself included), in spite of how warmly it's often received by non-designers.


The renderings are awful, but the design is what is so frightening. I can't remember when I've seen such a confused and chaotic organization of space. Although I've never felt that landscape needs to have a relationship to the architecture, this design isn't even vaguely sympathetic to it. For one thing, the space is actually quite small. Take a look at the photos on THA's website or visit it yourself. I can't imagine jamming all those wavy forms and natural rocks and water into that space. I hope they are able to edit heavily...there is nothing calming or elegant or beautiful about this design. Sorry to go off about it and my apologies to the architect, but if you're willing to put out garbage like this prepare yourself to defend it.

Bye Bye Birdie

Is it too late to go with Option B - hire a Landscape Architect as the lead designer? Design is not just design and this proves it.

Daniel Toole

I enjoy the BICC a lot and show it off every time I have architect friends visiting the city, and can remember learning things in Eugene, then taking a look at the set of drawings for this building that hung in the library to apply lessons. This is a great piece of architectural and cultural history for Portland's design heritage.

This proposed space has nothing to do with this design, nor does it reference any of the unique qualities of this site. This is not the correct answer. The right thing would be to put this out as a competition, even if pro bono, and place emphasis on targeting those involved in the design (names you've mentioned) who now have successfully established their own practices and pair them with a landscape architect.

Let's not let this piece of Portland start its' decline this early in its life as a building.


oh dear, this design is terribly frightening/embarrassing. if this firm is going to use their terrible taste to name drop the firms they beat out in the "process." they might also mention their personal OHSU connections which won them the job in the first place.


Everyone has an opinion!

Darrell Smith

What the flip is going on with this design>>


Dreadful and irresponsible.
Disrespectful to the context and scale of the building, the courtyard and the woods to the west. It is also arrogant, willful and juvenile. Beyond bad.
Why would you do this to a quietly nice building and outdoor room?
Not to put too fine a point on it.
Bob Murase, the original landscape architect, is turning in his grave.
Not what he had in mind.

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