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Barry Johnson

I guess I don't see Cordish as a wild card. The company has long track record of developing entertainment areas in American cities, as I've discovered. Cordish developments have worked best as attractors for cities with dead downtowns. Even there (Louisville, say, or Kansas City), you can find detractors. They also have tapped in to very large public subsidies and have played serious legal hard ball when disputes arise. The business idea seems to be built on chains, preferably chains that Cordish controls. I have serious doubts that the City or Vulcan (the Blazers) are up to negotiating with Cordish.

eric cantona

I'm hoping to attend this discussion in order to ask our esteemed mayor about the RFP that was to come around now dealing with the quarter. a while back he essentially eliminated most of the submitted proposals because "this is about the memorial coliseum ONLY". many of those proposers were assuaged by the fact that there would be a second RFP released to deal with the balance of the site. his current stance seems to be that the Blazers will be given the keys and MARC and VMAAC can play too if they work directly with them.

public process? right. it's a sham.

Daniel Ronan

I've said this on a couple of blogs. I think that the Rose Quarter needs to be integrated on a state-to-state basis. While I understand that financial constraints are not on our side, I think that we should be planning for a station underground or somewhere in the Rose quarter.

There are some that advocate rerouting Amtrak Cascades so it doesn't have to go across the Steel Bridge, which has a sharp turn and is very congested. I see the value in doing this, however I share concerns with some rail advocates and the general public that love Union Station.

I think a compromise could be having all Empire Builder trains run out of Union Station and reroute the track of Amtrak Cascades through the Rose quarter and across the Columbia on what will be the new CRC.

I think there are many large-scale projects in our region that, when we look at them together could help transfer us to a more integrated system.

Once the Broadway streetcar is completed passengers could make connections from Union Station to the Rose Quarter via that route, or on the MAX. What's most important I think it getting beyond "this is just about the Memorial Coliseum" or "Rose Quarter," but rather, this is about "Portland."

We could even get creative. How about another bridge across the Willamette between the Rose Quarter and Union Station specifically for bikes and pedestrians? This could be a great way to bring additional foot traffic to the area.


Daniel, I like your point about the vision being Portland-centric. I have spoken to a number of people about the Rose Quarter and believe we will get there. I think the proverbial cart hath been put before the horse and everyone involved is recognizing it and working to think long-term. Show up and share more of your thoughts.

Brian, the forum on Monday is at the Gerding Theater, not Jimmy Mak's...although a nice jazzy riff to back up the talk would be nice.


Perhaps the 'powers that be' could create a district from N Vancouver to LLoyd Center to Burnside Bridgehead with small lots devoted to micro mixed use , and PDC could retain all of us talented out - of -work Designers/Architects to create hundreds of stunning buildings.
A new center for PDX innovation and Portland - Centered biz.
This we would love and patronize , not Cordish Theme Park Chains.


My name is Terry of LloydDistrict.com. I have read the story and the comments, I like the suggestion by BillB the best. The problem with the Rose Quarter is that too much of the planning has been centralized, not "spread out" among regular folks. Everything is too expensive, not inexpensive and attainable.

Everyone? I'm looking for links to LloydDistrict.com. Please link to the site.

Michael M.

Wouldn't it be ideal to extend the Esplanade so it runs past the Steel Bridge and the Rose Quarter, continuing on to at least the Broadway Bridge?

There already is a plan to develop the npGreeway. It's far more ambitious than merely extending the Esplanade to the Broadway Bridge.

Douglas K.

There are some that advocate rerouting Amtrak Cascades so it doesn't have to go across the Steel Bridge, which has a sharp turn and is very congested. I see the value in doing this, however I share concerns with some rail advocates and the general public that love Union Station

The Rose Quarter would be an excellent site for a combined Amtrak/Greyhound station that could also serve commuter rail in the future. It might even incorporate a dock for cruise ships. This would be an opportunity for the city to create a truly iconic structure overlooking the river, and could generate a lot of daily pedestrian traffic.

As for Union Station, even without rail traffic it's still a stunning historic building that could be repurposed to another use. I think it would make an excellent public market, for example.

Boom Trucks

Construction in the Rose Quarter is a good thing, but the article is right when it discusses the coliseum. When you build a magnificent coliseum and everything else around it looks like crap it's a total waste. It's an embarrassment.


The sham here was having the "public process" in the first place. The Blazers have a contractual right to develop the Rose Quarter/MC. Not incidentally, its also the only entity with the cash or access to cash to actually develop the area.

The MARC and VMAAC are what they are: architectural pipe dreams. There was never any money to make these visions reality. And without the Blazers' blessing, it wouldn't matter if money was available for them.

The process of having the public hearings/input on future development of the area strikes me as more of a CYA for the city government. No one can say the public wasn't involved in or had a say about what to do with the MC or Rose Quarter now.

If the city was truly serious about this public process, it would have required not only the pie in the sky architectural renderings, but actual cost estimates and identity of where the project funding would be coming from, including how much public funding would be required. That didn't happen.

Now, the funding source for the VMAAC proposal is a mystery and the MARC backers say that all they need is a $100 million bond measure backed by the public - in this economy. Look, I understand that architects are supposed to be dreamers. But just don't expect those dreams to come true if they are not founded in at least some degree of economic and fiscal reality.

Brian Libby

Well said, Marc.


The RQ and MC process has been a huge waste of time and money. The Mayor's office looks at every decision it makes either to get the most constituent acceptance or backroom deals for special interes in the futile hope for popularity or financial support for re-election.

What amazes me is that the result of these stupid decisions such as asking the 3 finalists to work together, hurt their cred with the people.

It is terrible to be wasting limited financial resources when we have severe unemployment, rapid decay in the school system and increased homelessness on the horizon.

These things are happening now before us and we seem so helpless to correct what's in our faces. There should be dissent at tonite's Gragg-Adams vanity lecture.

Shame on the Mayor's office and the PDC.

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