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Jim Johnson

Great looking place! Great cause!

Zack Semke

Thanks for this post on the tour. We're hoping it's a smashing success, as AHC is certainly a worthy group.

We just posted a blog on four reasons that the Heritage Home Tour and other tours like it are relevant/important for the Portland remodeling community, and more broadly, architecture aficionados.


Jim Heuer

Thanks for the great coverage of the AHC's Heritage Home Tour. As you indicated, the Tour is a fund raiser for the AHC. That's the main reason for the steep price. As a member of the AHC Board of Directors, I can confirm that the AHC has been strongly affected by the Great Recession, and this Tour is an important part of its economic survival strategy.

In the best of times, historic preservation has an uphill battle in Portland for both mindshare and the pockets of the donor community. In these tough times, the challenge has been even greater. The reality is that to carry out the AHC mission, including its extensive educational programming, advocacy, and stewardship of a vast collection of historic building artifacts, the AHC needs a paid staff and a building for its programs and exhibits. Despite the invaluable help of over 200 loyal volunteers, this all costs money.

In some sunny future time, I'd love to be able to vote for free educational programs funded by a generous donor so that the many folks for whom $13 (for members, $18 for non-members) is a serious expenditure for a 90 minute lecture on a Saturday morning can attend more easily. Until that time (wealthy donors, are you listening?), the AHC will have to face economic reality and charge for its programs and tours.

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