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Jane Jarrett

Opera Theatre Oregon may be "little known" but surely they are smart enough to solve the bathroom issue! They have a terrific idea, an amazing location and some great resources in the community on their side. I hope they set "The Little Engine That Could" to music!


Katie Taylor has one of the sweetest Operatic voices you can find. I would love to hear her sing in the Guild.

Katie Taylor

Hi Brian,

Thanks for an interesting and enjoyable read! I just wanted to drop by to reinforce that the main reason this project is feasible at all for Opera Theater Oregon is the support and generosity of the A/E community. Our pro bono team now includes Diloreto Architects, KPFF for civil and structural engineering, PAE for mechanical, electrical and lighting, forensic architect and ADA specialist Gary Olmon and Ball Janik for legal support. ACE Oregon is also interested in observing the project, if we get the go-ahead.

Your observation about the collaborative nature of the Portland arts community is spot on as well. We've been getting all kinds of help from every quarter. World Affairs Council, Chamber Music Northwest, Northwest Film Center, Filmusik, Electric Opera Company, Portland Cello Project and others have all expressed an interest in presenting at the Guild if we can get the doors open.

Thanks very much for the well wishes, and for sharing your fond memories of the Guild. It is a great little theater, and, as you said, the last of its kind downtown. What excites me the most about this project is the chance to restore a piece of Portland's cultural heritage that clearly resonates with so many people.

Also thanks, Lyle! I blush. :)

Mike Meade

Is there a way an agreement could be made for a shared bathroom between the Guild and Pastini, or some other arrangement that could keep this opportunity from being...well, flushed away?

This may be harder than you would first imagine. By code, assembly spaces have a very large quantity of toilet spaces required as you have large groups of people who tend to all move to the restrooms at the same time. There is likely not enough capacity in the adjacent restaurant to make this work. I would also think that the restaurant would have qualms about adding an unsecured back door.

I hope that it can be done, but if it were easy it would likely have been done by the building owner already.

Daniel Ronan

With regard to the Bathroom issue, I know that there is a set up in Old Town at Floyd's Coffee where they share bathrooms from a neighboring business. Perhaps they could provide insight on this current situation? They underwent a lot of renovation before they opened last year.

Kristi Krueger

Having worked with Katie Taylor and being familiar with her drive and power to bring people together, anyone would be hard-pressed to convince me she couldn't pull this off. With connections to the music and art community and her extensive relationships with the architecture and engineering sector, Katie is uniquely positioned to make something like this happen.

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