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I've walked along that street enjoying how the front facade of this house seems to float elegantly in space against the backdrop of the Mt. Hood view. It presents one of those simple but beautiful compositions that the best of Modernist architecture has given us over and over again for almost a century now. However, it makes me a little sad. This simple beauty, to me has always been coupled with another of the original promises of modernism...that it would be possible for the great majority of people to live this way. Not with a spectacular view, German beech, and Canadian granite...but with some of that sense of light, space, and formal beauty. Don't get me wrong. I don't have a particular beef with listing a well built house on Mt Tabor with that kind of view for 800K. I'm glad that Brian showcased some of its beauty and wrote up its architect(s) in the context of local dwelling talent. I certainly don't have any conclusive answers for why this particluar modernist dream faltered (at least in the US). However, I guess I'm pink enough to still long for the more "social democratic" and affordable aspect of modernism and hope that it has a place in Portland's domestic architecture in the coming decade.

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