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Peter Stubbs

The talk sounds interesting. Becca Cavell knows this era and builder well, so it should be a good evening.

Two notes:
First, "directly inspired" is a diplomatic way of putting it.

Second (and I know I'm picking nits here), the vast majority of Eichler's developments were in Northern California, most on the San Francisco peninsula.

And for a different sort of local connection, Eichler collaborated on the LIFE house, built by Eichler in the San Mateo Highlands from a design by Pietro Belluschi. Unlike most Eichler's homes it was intended to be a one-off for LIFE magazine (though Eichler made another, very similar house at a client's request).

Sean Casey

Great interview Brian. Mockbee was/is one of the gems of American Architecture.

Rare to find those who have both intellectual rigor, along with a common sense approach to the world, as he did.

Thanks for sharing.

Mark  Downing

I think Brian Libby has it wrong. American architects have not been marginalized by the housing market. Architects for the most part think that they can't make money in residential design. For thast reason the vast majority are involved in comercial architecture. Architects and architecture is not victimized by home builders, they have for the most part abandoned the field.

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