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Every time I visit Vancouver I curse Pearson Airfield. You are absolutely correct, the failure of downtown to function properly is directly tied to the vast swath of land here. And to think that a few dozen patrons of the field are compromising a $4 billion project just makes my head spin. Overall, I think you are being overly kind to the "land bridge". Maybe someday it will be interesting like the Oregon City elevator. Right now, I can't help but think it out of touch and timid.


Your reference to the "overly kind" statement is being way too nice. It is a jumbled mess.


brian - you don't need to wonder what it would be like.



Actually, anon, that's on the other side of the bridge. There is a riverfront trail extending from the bridge east for miles (there's just a jog in it where you have to walk on an ugly, little-used road for a bit). But downtown and the fort are going to get closer soon. Go back on Monday to see:

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