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This was a time when Portland had higher civic goals and ambitions.

Pete Rozelle, the NFL Commissioner during that time period was from California and fond of Portland. He worked with Harry Glickman to stage NFL exhibition games at Civic Stadium to help gauge fan interest. The City and State did have interest and plans for the Delta Dome failed by only a few thousand votes.

Today we have trouble trying to find a suitable site for a minor league stadium, almost demolished Memorial Coliseum and there is minimal effort to attract other major league franchises or events. Even the Pape Jam has met it's demise just a few years after 20,000 fans packed the Rose Garden to watch Oregon play Kansas in basketball.

While the new MLS franchise is a step in the right direction, I believe that Portland needs to establish higher short and long-term goals with respect to the professional sports landscape.


what a great find.


The lighting concept was interesting. It reminded me a little of the Gaslamp District in San Diego, and it is a little odd that the city would ban ornamental lighting districts.

Tom Rousculp

I came across the Archway lights a few years ago and included them in a class project I did at PSU.
You can view the power point, Ankeny Street pedestrian way, by following the link below. It would be great to see the lights again, with LED's of course.



The lighting project seems to be a copy of the 1907 light arches in san francisco's fillmore neighborhood, more info here: http://www.pbs.org/kqed/fillmore/learning/people/flamm.html

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