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Why do we need the PDC? Their history has more to do with rotten politics and losing money while they play developer with tax dollars than with success. I say dump the PDC and send the money to Portland Public Schools. It truly is sad how far off the priorities are in Portland, isn't it.


Another group that has been historically under-represented on the PDC is the citizens of Portland. Particularly homeowners, whose property taxes are diverted by the PDC away from schools and public safety to support private ventures that usually do not live up to their promises of living wage jobs and affordable housing.


PDC is a large organization and board decisions are necessarily abstract. Design, architecture and planning liaison with the City would occur at the staff level. Today it is probably the purview of the specific developer partner for a project. Most major developers in town are very engaged in Portland arts.

Convince the board members that they would benefit from subsidiary publicity in the design press by incorporating named designers in projects.

Note developers are sometimes design risk adverse, and public developers doubly so. It is individual patrons who engage risk in design.

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