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I don't live in Portland at the moment, or even in the US, but I do love the city.

On my first summer in Portland, in 2004, I was impressed by how good the public transport is within the Portland Metro area. The MAX is a great system, and I'm glad to read about the expansion of the network. Outside of the Portland area, however, public transport is dreadful. Not only would Amtrak not take me out to the coast, neither would Greyhound, or any other operator that would get me there and back in one day. Eventually, I found the Lewis and Clark Explorer Train, which was fun for what it is, and got me there, however slowly. Sadly, it looks like even it doesn't run anymore.

High Speed rail up the West Coast would be sweet, but I suspect the distances are too long and the population too sparse between San Francisco/Sacramento and Eugene or Portland. Instead, I think real efforts should be made at linking Oregon/Washington/Vancouver better. 4 Cascades trains a day, that don't even run the whole length of the route, and seldom on time, is really a missed opportunity.


Dear Mayor Adams,

Please stop the burnside/couch couplet.


Dear Mayor , please consider big
green design vision. PDX does great on the little stuff , bio-swales , recycling , etc.
But the issues facing us ,peak-oil and global warming are massive and need giant solutions.
For example , an exhibit of artwork depicting a Park-Roof over the Columbia Crossing Bridge is at the Lucky Lab Brewpub on NW Quimby above 19th.[activity rm] For the same dollars as the shiny little windmills recently added to the CC proposal we can create a world class park which protects drivers/bikers/peds from the weather , absorbs pollution runoff , and draws eco-tourists from around the world.

Eric Cantona

1. relinquish the ego and curb the temper.

2. stop the burnside/couch couplet.

3. keep pushing the sustainable industries recruitment campaign. we need industry. hopefully one or two of them can become fortune 500 type companies. we need more than one of those in the region.

4. get as many federal infrastructure projects as you can in the near future to keep our economy moving during this recession.

5. bring back gil kelly.

Eric Cantona

1. relinquish the ego and curb the temper. or maybe better: curb the ego and relinquish the temper. you do need a little ego...

2. stop the burnside/couch couplet.

3. keep pushing the sustainable industries recruitment campaign. we need industry. hopefully one or two of them can become fortune 500 type companies. we need more than one of those in the region.

4. get as many federal infrastructure projects as you can in the near future to keep our economy moving during this recession.

5. bring back gil kelly.


1. Keep pushing for the Burnside/Couch couplet. It's essential to link downtown and the Pearl and to make the city more walkable.

2. Getting rid of Gil Kelly was brilliant.

Eric Cantona

very curious to hear what the upside of losing Gil would be.

Lance Lindahl

Let's not forget that the Burnside/Couch Couplet is actually two separate projects.

The Eastside portion is essentially a done deal. Contracts will be going out soon, with construction to be underway this summer. This project is highly supported by the neighborhood since it will open up land for redevelopment by reconfiguring the infamous Burnside/Sandy/NE 12th intersection.

The Westside project is still very much up in the air, and City Council has yet to give its final sign off. There is still organized opposition to the project, however several large redevelopment projects are already banking on the project moving forward.


Thanks, Lance.

1. Stop the Westside burnside/couch couplet!

Eric Cantona

thanks for the reminder Lance.

the eastside couplet is actually a good idea. the westside couplet is a tremendous waste of taxpayer money.


1) Hire a Planning Director who is a professional, experienced planner who respects open public process and values Portland’s neighborhood livability.
2) Replace Gary Blackmer with a professional auditor with the same integrity and work ethic as Mr. Blackmer.
3) Reestablish the historic role of the city in planning and supporting public schools. Support walkable bikeable Neighborhood Schools as the focal point of most neighborhoods, with an emphasis on preserving the character of the school and our investment in these historic facilities. Strengthen each school’s relationship with parklands and neighbors of all ages. Maintain schools to which most children attending can safely walk or bike.
4) Invest in linking ALL neighborhoods with downtown (to the level of the Pearl) before investing more in Pearl transit projects.
5) Build the long promised affordable housing in South Waterfront Park.
6) Make Jefferson High School the best equipped and facilitated high school in the state.


Please replace the Sellwood Bridge and bring sidewalks to all neighborhoods.


Pass the new Green Buildings Policy with maximum feebate incentives!

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