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yes. and there's something to said about cheesteaks made with cheez whiz too...


Shameless plug, but since Brian brought up the topic of the Gorge... For some great background information on Vista House and the rest of the Historic Columbia River Highway, the Friends of the Historic Columbia River Highway and the Architectural Heritage Center are teaming up on a self-guided driving tour, September 27th. There will be seven main stops along the highway between Troutdale and Oneonta Gorge. At each stop there will be local and knowledgeable experts sharing background information on the highway, much of which you won't learn while driving the road on your own. Tour goers will also receive a guidebook with interesting facts and background information.
It's $15 per person and kids under 12 are free. To learn more or register in advance, visit www.visitahc.org.

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Later on after Vista House, we naturally continued down the Columbia Gorge Scenic Highway with stops at a couple of waterfalls, and then lunch in Hood River at a brewpub overlooking an army of windsurfers and the occasional barge.

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