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Levi Cohen

si se puede!

Douglas K.

I just find this frustrating. Tom Moyer purchased the Zell block to put a tower there. Now the city wants to replace the Smart Park with another tower.

It should have been fairly simple to combine both blocks into a single development with 1 1/2 blocks of underground parking, a tall building on Tenth, and a plaza between Ninth and Park. One more step in finishing Dan Lownsdale's promenade. The timing would have been right, and Moyer had previously expressed support for completing the promenade.

But instead, we're getting a 37 story tower that pretty much ends any chance of ever finishing the promenade.


It was completely stupid for the city to stand aside and let Moyer build a tower on PB4, even praise him for doing it, especially now that it's announced that, after all, the concrete bunker of a parking garage on 10th will in fact become a tower itself. Removing the buildings on the Zell block opened up a beautiful light and sky filled view, with the one vintage building on PB3(yellow-tan brick, arched windows)making a particularly nice background. Now, for 100 years perhaps, that's going to be all gone with the arrival of another tower on PB4.

There shouldn't be any question that parking should go underground. Why waste the lower levels of a building on storing cars? Cars don't need windows to look out of or for daylight.


carroll also developed the edge lofts. any word on who will design the 10th and yamhill project?


it is also worth mentioning that carroll is not a part of the Ladd Tower project since its conversion to apartments. smart guy - the building is pretty ugly.


My only question is why blocks like this get torn down and redeveloped before any of the MANY surface parking lots. Seriously. Is it because they are privately owned and the owners aren't interested in developing their plots? Haven't we reached the critical mass where our downtown is dense enough to price-out these wastes of space?


ask mark goodman.

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