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I think we all know based on the magazine and jury which projects will get the awards and that is the work of Rick Potestio, John Holmes/Holst, Jeff Kovel/Skylab, Brad Cloepfil/Allied, Works Partnership, Thomas Hacker, Architecture W. In other words the same firms and projects that win the local AIA awards.

Randy Gragg

au contraire, pierre,

the reason we put two builders on the jury was to balance the tendencies. as well, karrie is pretty stylistically eclectic in her taste. finally, by waiting the criterial equally for design, craftsmanship and sustainability, our hope was to open up the standard playing field.

but any competition is only as good as the entrants. all we can hope is that the best will take the leap, if nothing else because the whole thing is for a good cause: scholarships.

hope to see an entry from you . . .

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