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How many and which projects in Portland were submitted to the awards program?
If no projects here were submitted then it makes since that none would win. Not knowing this it is hard to comment.


How many and which projects in Portland were submitted to the awards program?
If no projects here were submitted then it makes since that none would win. Not knowing this it is hard to comment.


Insofar as Bohlin Cywinski Jackson maintains three office in Pennsylvania, it may not be appropriate to attribute the Pocono project (in Penna) to their Seattle office. I'm fairly sure they're a Pittsburgh firm.

As for the awards...meh. I'd like to know what projects were submitted by PDX firms before venturing a guess.

Brian Libby

Honestly I don't know which projects were submitted and which weren't. However, I doubt there was a wave of non-submissions from Portland versus other cities.

Regarding Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, h-lin is right. Maybe they're not a Seattle firm first. Anybody know whether they started in PA or WA?


Bohlin Cywinski Jackson was started in PA. Their Seattle office opened as a joint venture office with Cutler while working on the Gates residence.


Bohlin Cywinski Jackson started in Pittsburgh, but it appears the Wilkes-Barre office did the Pocono project.


Brian, you're the first person I've heard comment on Portland's showing at COTE. I'm going to ask around. Portland may be so green that COTE is passe!

DC - the other one

You're not awarded if you don't submit. I think this list is relatively unimportant regarding the overall 'greenness' of a place, just on submitted projects


I'm not sure what the criteria for COTE are, but if design excellence is as important as green I'm not all that surprised that PDX doesn't have more COTE recognition. Miller/Hull is great example of green and rich, textured designs. I stil find most of the 'green' new construction in PDX are variations on somewhat modernist boxes with design sensuality and gravitas undervalued or value engineered out. The Armory and Eco Trust buildings are restorations that deserved recognition.


i was rather disappointed that miller|hull won an award for a building that opened over 3 years ago.

surely there were some recent projects that were just as worthy, if not more so...

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