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tight-knot cedar with a clear finish? I hope the condo owners realize that they will need to refinish the wood every year or so to keep it looking that good.

any wagers that it will be painted within 10 years?

Maryetta J.

Brian, have you actually seen the B39 condos as of late? probably one of the most hideous projects in town. I think someone lost the CA contract on that one because it looks nothing like the glossy 3-d image posted on site. I rank it #2 right behind the argyle sock building by Bob Schatz, near the onramp of division and I-205


by 'a certain breed'of young architect, do you refer to that breed that has ample amounts of cash over and above what a young architect's salary provides? we've heard you make this argument before,regarding a current young self-financed darling of the design scheme.
it reminds me of the 'good breeding' argument the moneyed classes use to explain leadership: a euphemism for 'daddy's money'.


Gmart, you make a good point about do-it-yourself architecture: that it takes money, and not everybody has that. However, it's not all about money. It's also about risk and wanting to be running your own show instead of being at a firm. One's not better than the other per se. If I was talking about a 'certain breed', I didn't mean to be euphamistic or derogatory towards anyone, but instead to merely make a disctinction: that this sort of course isn't the right move for all architects. However, as someone who works for himself, I have an inclination to admire those going about designing and building somewhat on their own. So there aren't any sinister implications in what I said, but I don't blame you for being sensitive about the issue and how it's characterized.

[name removed]

That's is so pretty designed home, specially i like the grill.

[Brian's note: I removed the author name and URL because this appears to be spam.]

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