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The tall white "Wells Fargo Center" will always be the "First National Bank Tower" to me, just like the Commonwealth/Equitable Building; are we just supposed to change what we call it because the owner changed or one company got aquired by another? When did that start? There are still old company names on other downtown buildings.


"This structure is not to be confused with the Wells Fargo Center" from:



My favorite part of this building, is that it spells out Wells Fargo in the entablature, even though the business inside is now Touchstone Bank.

(I'm constantly imagining a frustrated bank manager who gets the wrong clients coming in because of the terra cotta frieze...)


Keeping a 100 year old office building relevant and economically viable is a real artform. People should know that in 1999 the Wells Fargo Building was shuttered - the front doors had a chain and padlock. Bringing this building into the 21st century took vision and financial risk. We should acknowledge the buiding owner as well as the tenants who occupy the building for their support in keeping the building alive for all Portlanders to appreciate.

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