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Another awesome thing about the Moreland: they've cut out part of a wall on the 2nd floor so that women can still watch the movie as they wait in line for the bathroom.

Matt Davis

The Living Room Theater in the Pearl is great if you want to watch a movie without being surrounded by plebs.


How can you say that the Hollywood theater is not the best in town - it is a lynch movie within a lynch movie.

Brian Libby

Excellent point. I guess I just don't go to the Hollywood much in part because I don't like that area. where Sandy bisects I-84 and you can't make a left turn for miles. I wish a streetcar went down Sandy and it was more pedestrian friendly.

Incidentally, I think the Hollywood would be well served if there were a decent development that went in next door, where the vacant lot is now.

Brian Libby

Incidentally, I'm a huge David Lynch fan too. If it's not to crass or shameless of me, check out this interview from late 2001:



The Bagdad. I love the vintage movie palace "theme" decor and the way they opened up the old balcony.

And I'm still miffed that Tom Moyer demolished the Broadway Theater years ago. A good remodel could have turned it into a stunning venue.



actually there is a mixed use project suppose to start in 44th and sandy..gerding + gbd architects. wholefoods and washington mutuals on the ground floor and 4 floors of condos aboved.

the designed is pretty uninspiring, but somehow it did not make any news at all.,

Brian Libby

Actually, I knew about that project but forgot. I'm actually really sad to see that bank being torn down. I thought it was a really nice midcentury modern building with tons of glass and a quiet elegance.

Agustin Enriquez V

To clarify, the project referenced above is 1 floor of retail at grade (whole foods, washington mutual, + one small retail space), 2 floors of parking above, and 2 floors of condos on top the parking.

But to the movie theatres, I'm a sucker for IMAX; though if you get a seat on the periphery or a movie with a lot of quick action, it can make for a headache induced viewing in the dome.


Cinema 21. Not pretentious or crowded. Nice pre-show illumination and music. Fun springy seats and a balcony for making out. Cheap food and tickets too.
Livingroom is what i like to call "Washington County Luxe" meaning it embraces all the cliche style and material choices so popular in those McMansions. No soul and no balls. Very disappointing to see an exit sign so near the screen as it cast a bight LED glow over the screen.


Though I'm a fan of the Bagdad and of the Moreland, I still Like the Laurelhurst theater in all its dingy glory. Cheap tickets, cheap food/drink, and classic movie posters on the walls. It's unpretentious and comfortable.


I have to second Matt Davis' recommendation of Living Room Theaters. To clarify, it is not in the Pearl, but on SW 10th and Stark. Brian, it's a few doors down from the checkerboard building you are so fond of.
What's the name for this district? I know it used to called the the "Pink Triangle" and a few other names I probably shouldn't post.


Let me third that: Living Room Theaters are the most comfortable movie theaters I've ever been in -- anywhere. Really comfortable seats, really wide aisles, cocktails, small and intimate screening rooms; what's not to like?

I wonder why, whenever anyone is asked to name "favorite" movie theaters, almost always the answer is some vintage theater or other, like Moreland or Laurelhurst or Cinema 21. I suspect nostalgia, more than anything else, factors into those answers.

By the way, though Brian defied anyone to name a Regal theater they like, I'll admit it: The stadium theaters at Pioneer Place are pretty darn comfortable too. I think Portlanders don't realize just how good they have it here. When I lived in Boston a decade ago, there wasn't a movie theater anywhere in the city that wasn't downright awful.


The Mission Theater is the first pub theater I went to - beer and movie, yeah! It is still my favorite, just saw Paprika there Saturday.


I always enjoyed Cinema 21, viewing from the balcony up front. It's great for old movies. Think I've been to the Moreland once, long ago. It has a certain elegance in a modest way compared to its far more fantastic cousins (to a large degree vanished into history,) that modern theaters like those in the Moyer Tower are completely devoid of. I think that's why people keep mentioning the old theaters.

The Koin cinemas were a great place to go too at one time when they still existed, until they stopped maintaining them properly.

I've got great appreciation for the Bagdad, but don't like the acoustics. The mission is a good place to drink beer, socialize, and casually watch a movie, but I never thought it was a very good place to seriously view one.

Never been to LRT, but expect those would be good.


"Waiting over 20 years to see the movie on a big screen..."

But you were 21 when you first saw it?

So you were even AWARE of the film when you were under ONE year old?

Somehow, I doubt it.

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