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Are there other pre-existing co-housing complexes in Portland?


Cassandra, there are several co-housing developments in town. Check out this site:


Raines Cohen

Thanks for writing about cohousing!

There's actually a regional group, the Northwest Intentional Communities Association (NICA -- click on my name for a link), supporting the creation of cohousing neighborhoods and other intentional communities in the area, esp. Seattle/PDX.

I've met with some of the Daybreak Cohousing folks and I'm very impressed with their process and the urban, transit-friendly site.

I've also visited the built communities around town and hope that you'll get a tour going up there sometime... each has its own unique flavor, representing the neighborhood and the site's unique history, as well as the needs and characteristics of its members.

I've been involved in the movement for a decade and visited about 75 of the nearly-100 communities across the U.S., but I keep coming back to the ones in Portland, between events there, friends, and great community.

Raines Cohen, Cohousing Coach
Planning for Sustainable Communities
At Berkeley (CA) Cohousing

Boardmember, Fellowship for Intentional Community
Volunteer, Cohousing Association of the U.S. (Coho/US)

P.S. Typo in your article title on "multifamily"

P.P.S. I promise not to move up there, I know you've got enough Californians.


somophoric design solution.. plan looks promising.. exterior character not so much.


i think solutions like this are more promising than the crap infill we are getting in the inner eastside. I think if you could pair a social solution such as this with some green concepts you could have something very interesting and unique. co-housing has a broad range of participation by the residents, so at times that can turn some people off, but if done as a development by the future residents as suggested, then all the better. In the end the solution of community will survive the dissolve of the quick-buck infill we are seeing so much of.

Double J

This one's in my neighborhood. The exterior could be improved (right now it reminds me of the already mntioned motor hotels and the Interstate Lanes bowling alley). Design quibbles aside, this is the sort of thing I'd like to see more of. Ill go take a walk past the site tonight.

Brian, you definitely get extra points this time for the Billy Dee Williams references... I hear the leftover imperial walkers on Hoth are being condo-ized as well.


i like the social concepts when i read the project narrative, but i don't think that's any reason to give the actual design a free pass. the plan doesn't show enough detail (beyond big labels) to understand how people will live there, although i agree that the outdoor space looks promising. the rendering is what really scares me. it's too bad - in the right hands this could be a fantastic project.

Elizabeth Lamback

I am also a neighbor (4 blocks away) to this project and admittedly, I am personal friends with one of the couples involved in its development- so I have the inside skinny.

That said, I think this community will be a wonderful contribution to our neighborhood.

Though the straight line architecture may seem imposing on paper, in reality this space will be brought to life by the constant activity that the inhabitants and the beautiful landscaping will provide along the street.

The parking counts will be offset by the many bike-commuting inhabitants who have designed extensive community bike storage and a bike shop into the project.

Our new neighbors will add a vibrant, young eye to a street that has long been neglected. I am very appreciative that a group of positive thinking, progressive and sustainable young adults and families see enough potential in our quirky little neighborhood to join our small yet very cool community.

So Welcome neighbors- BBQ's at my house on Sundays all summer long- Kristin and Rich know the way...


i'm not knocking down the social aspect of the project.. it is wonderful and exciting to see this type of development. And the design could be worse... but i think this blog,,thanks to Brian, is one of the vehicles in raising the bar of design in portland..to have an open discussion about architecture. This design for a luck of a better word.. is not quite there yet.. and need major refinement.. first and foremost, it is an inward (courtyard plan) looking building--does not address the street succesfully. and the extior view provided is banal and unsophisticated.


Does anyone know the interstection where this project is going to be built? The website is kind of vague other than saying it's on N. Killingsworth near MAX. I live off N. Killingsworth near MAX, so am curious to check the site out!

Nonetheless, it's great to hear that N. Killingsworth is getting some long deserved development (whatever happened to Killingsworth Station?), and a unique one at that.

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