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I recognize the picture of the Library Room at the Governor -- my favorite meeting room in all of Portland.

I agree about Portland downtown at night. It evens out a lot of flaws in the architecture, where only the human scale of the buildings is noticeable.

My favorite view of downtown is when I drive over the top deck of the Marquam Bridge looking downward diagonally across the river toward downtown waterfront. It is at just the right elevation to capture a lot of the city. No one ever seems to take pictures from that spot, perhaps because it is not pedestrian friendly. Brian, if you ever have the chance, please take and post this shot.

The view up high from the Marquam Bridge is an amazing view of the city and points to another reason why buildings should step down toward the river -- so that you can see the buildings behind them. It also makes me believe that from a view standpoint that, should they ever bury I5 along the east bank of the Willamette, that any condos they building there will have the best views in town. My wife, who lived 2 years in the West End of Vancouver, B.C. certainly thinks so.

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