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My wife and I went to Karrie Jacob's presentation last night. We both came away with some similar observations. She lacked energy for her subject, read her presentation and provided many photos that were either blurred, shadowed or both. She did not take her research and connections to those building these types of homes to another level. Despite all of that we think that she raises some good questions such as, How are we going to provide housing choices for middle America?

We felt that Ms. Jacobs should be moving towards "what is working what is not" conclusions. She only provided a montage of projects along with some of the respective builder/designer's ideas. She barely touched on prefab homes which in our view appears to offer real possibilities when working towards good $100K homes. Ms. Jacobs pointed out that the prefab homes are now generally manufactured by "mom and pop operations." Perhaps this can change. But if you think that this type of home does not have any potential, or that the "mom and pop" builders are not making some headway ... I suggest checking out fabprefab.com to see some of the many interesting designs and solutions.

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