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My problem is the wall nature of the building. When the entire building goes up along the entire block it creates a massive wall and gives it a soviet style feel. A slim tower with maybe a full block base of 4 stories would be much softer on the street scape. You could basically take half this building and put it on top of the other and get a much better looking and functional building that though higher would block less views and offer batter views for those in the building.

Nate Silva

"batter views" - that's good, considering the location!


My initial impression from this illustration is that it's interesting, better than many of our buildings - but nothing inspiring. It reminds me a bit of the housing in downtown Vancouver, B.C. which isn't really a bad thing.

But there was an opportunity to develop a relationship with the ballpark and the monument on Burnside which I don't see happening in the illustration.

I don't care for the 'slim tower with the full block of 4 stories' concept - but that sort of analysis is a matter of personal taste. Some people find those kind of buildings less friendly to the street and lacking grace.


I rather like the SERA building. It will bring a new scale + density to that area of Burnside and the curved facade helps one mentally 'turn the corner'
on to 18th. My guess is that the curve will have the lit feel of the 8NW8 giving a kind of sentinel look to it.


I just can't express how happy I am to see the old place torn down. Each time I walk by and more is gone, I feel better.

A friend of mine lived there for a while. It wasn't a good place for a human to live.

Justin Wells

In a way, the building's attitude almost matches that of Burnside: Utilitarian, with a feeling of establishing order in a rather raw, brutal way - which, in many ways, is what Burnside does in regards to funneling traffic to/from downtown (and slicing through some of the most expensive districts in Ptown). What I don't get is movement... although, since I'm not really a fan of that kind of feeling in a building anyway, doesn't concern me.


when will the pile driving stop?
one week, maybe two...or another month? how about giving us folks who live close a saturday off? i would love to hear any informaiotn anyone has? cheers.

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