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The One True b!X

The Portland Building!


(Just kidding.)

Kenny  B.

MY personal favorites are: 1. Rose Garden Arena ( Not your basis dome cylinder design. The roof overhangs give the arena an oriental design feel. I like the use of glass in the concouse areas. Building exterior is very nice. Looks especially nice at night with multi-colored lighting). 2. Fox Tower ( I like the curved glass facade on Broadway. The glass color is nice. Only wish it had been the tallest). 3. Koin Tower ( From day one liked the design and color. Was 1st modern structure in portland to go away from the bland flattop design). 4. Jackson Tower ( Of the historic buildings, this has always been my favorite. Love the night allumination and miss eating at the Artic Circle on ground floor). "Sorry, had to get that in. Miss the fry sauce". 5. US Bancorp Tower (I love the height especially with so many stumpy buildings in town. Slim design and glass color make it look taller than it is). Looking forward to 'The John Ross'.


I love the Coca-Cola building on NE 28th. The deco design, coupled with its whitewashed exterior & red trim (even the power meters are whitewashed) make it a standout to me. Apparently there used to be fake mountains of ice on the ledges beneath the 2nd floor windows.

The old 7-Up bulding in the Hollywood Dist. is really nice as well. I don't know how I feel about the Budweiser sign atop it, though. Probably the only option, a la the White Stag sign.

And I'm not that much of a soda drinker, either.


John Yeon's houses are worth a mention, especially the Watzek House on Skyline. Interestingly Yeon wasn't licensed; the plans were stamped by Belluschi.


Portland has many architectural gems. . . any number of Belluschi's churches. . . St. Thomas Moore or the Lutheran Church on 18th by PGE Park.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and vote for an 'unfinished' building. . .
'Eliot Tower' just west of the art museum. Walking by the construction site this morning I was struck by the 'texture' the newly hung curtain wall was creating.
. . . a patch work of muted green glass (much less acidic than the rendering on the site sign). . . a subtle play of transparency and against light metal) however my favorite feature at this early stage is what appears to be the light silvery 'louvers' 'behind' the curtain wall covering the interior columns. Appears the craftsmanship is high as well. (Check out the rather modular nature as it continues to rise) The massing of the building seems sympathetic to its suroundings like Thomas Hacker's building and plaza near PSU. (another one of my favorites).
Sure I'm going out on a limb but it's evident at this stage that The Eliot has something. . .


This armchair architecture critic is wooed by the Paramount Hotel building on SE Park and Taylor.


Woops...SW Park and Taylor.

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