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The One True b!X

Personally, I suspect that, if handled correctly, the redevelopment of that Ankeny area could be one of the biggest sparkers of positive public interest in development and design since I moved here 8 years ago.

Mike Thelin

We need a public market! And when we do have one, who wouldn't want to live near it? Pike Market and Granville Island are surrounded by new development.


Yes, but Vancouver didn't build their market in the east end. The old town area has way to many homeless shelters concentrated around ankeny square. Nothing against shelters, but my god its bad when aggressive pan handlers and people who should be in shelters out number shoppers or residents. Unless that problem is delt with I don't see the residents coming and without residents I don't see that market succeeding.

The One True b!X

The market and the redevelopment of that area is one of the things that will change that dynamic.


Agony Park is a tough area ..people sleeping in doorways ..drug dealers and soup kitchens under the Burnside Bridge ...Portland Saturday Market ( a true local handmade market ) has to shovel the homeless out of its way every weekend before they set up ...and whats this nostalgia for the Pike Market which has devolved to imports


Agony Park is a tough area ..people sleeping in doorways ..drug dealers and soup kitchens under the Burnside Bridge ...Portland Saturday Market ( a true local handmade market ) has to shovel the homeless out of its way every weekend before they set up ...and whats this nostalgia for the Pike Market which has devolved to imports


I agree with B!x, the Pearl wasn't always the Pearl, and without a big imagination, SoWa would never come to be. With new money invested into the area, and new projects changing the dynamic, we might see this area become a new downtown hub. It's long overdue for downtown to finally connect to waterfront park.


ever walked the esplanade and noticed just how
smale scale downtown looks. . ? a dynamic, textured profile an ankeny square might bring
could be a catalyst for that whole border that is naito. . .

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